會員獎賞 Reward

會員積分當錢用 任何消費即享Cash Point積分回贈!

登記為Nudeblanc網站會員購物即可賺取Cash Point*,港幣$1=1積分,回贈無上限!

每100 Cash Points 當作港幣$1元使用,有效期為一年(由最後訂單日起計)。


會員可以透過以下方法賺取Cash Points積分:

- 任何消費(訂單付款後計算積分)

- 網站登記會員,即送1000 Cash Points (價值:$10)



於Reward兌現積分即可獲得現金券。 下單結算時,於 購物車頁面 輸入相關編號即可抵扣。



登入帳戶即可查閱Cash Points結餘。


^與其他優惠同時使用時,Cash Points將在其他折扣/促銷前扣除。


Points As Cash
Members can earn points by each order*. Every HK$1 spend = 1 Cash Point

Every 100 points can be used as HK$1, which equals 1% cash rebate! Your points will be valid for one year since your last purchase date.

If your purchase amount is $20, you can simply use 2000 points to settle the payment^!

Members can earn Cash Points through:
- Shopping (points will be calculated after payment)
- Get maximum 1,000 points by signing up

How to use points?
Redeem your reward points and get a cash voucher. Enter the discount code on the shopping cart page.

Check point balance
You can login to your account to check how many points you have.

*No Cash Points would be issued for guest's order.
^Cash points will be deducted before other discount/ promotion.